Miss a service, or want to re-watch your favorite sermon?
Can't get to church?
We are now live streaming our Sunday morning and Wednesday services.
Encouraging Moments with Pastor Phil
There is a playlist of encouraging moments that will uplift your day.
Our lead Pastor Phil “The Voice” Roberts is also involved in the Gospel Hip Hop community. Have a look at his site and get his music on iTunes.

Nations Leadership Training Institute
Through the NLTI we empower Christians through specialized “hands-on” training and biblical education in order to discover and fulfill their unique God-given callings.
It is Pastor Phil and Melanie’s desire to raise up bionically sound and Spirit-empowered worshippers, students of scripture, creatives, administrators, mature disciples, leaders, and full-time ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is ultimately our mission to train, disciple, and launch Christian leaders into vocational ministry as well as the marketplace.
Care and Support Resources
We work “hand in hand” with many faith-based, organizations that can help to provide the support needed in the following areas: unplanned pregnancy, marriage & relationship difficulties, addictions, homelessness, hunger, unemployment, orphans / foster care assistance, professional counselling services, refugee and immigrant assimilation and integration, domestic abuse, vulnerable and disabled persons protection, and more. Please call us today and set up an appointment. If you are in an emergency call 911.
Tel: +1 (818) 626-5939