Giving Makes A Difference!

Generosity changes lives – ours and the people we’re reaching. Your tithes and offerings are making a difference locally and globally. Thank you for supporting our mission.
Read more about the missions


Make a one time gift online. With online smart giving your giving is literally a few clicks away! You can give using your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Simply click on the button below

Try the 90-Day Challenge!

If you have not yet begun to tithe, or would like to increase your giving to the full 10%, we would encourage you to sign up for our 90-Day Tithing Challenge (see terms below). Take God up on the promise He makes in Malachi 3:10: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

How can I give to Nations Church Los Angeles?

There are many convenient ways to give. Be assured giving online is simple and secure.


Make a one time gift online. With online smart giving your giving is literally a few clicks away! You can give using your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Simply click on the button below


Text to Give is the easiest way to give using your mobile device. Simply text your gift amount to (818) 741-3839


A regular collection is taken at all Sunday and Wednesday services.

Sunday’s @ 10 am and Wednesday’s @ 7 pm


If you would like to send us a check, please send it payable to NCLA to the church address:

NATIONS CHURCH LA 8460 Tampa Avenue, Northridge, CA, 91324


With PayPal your giving is literally a few clicks away! You can give using your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Simply click on the button below.

(Due to the debt encumbering nature of credit cards, Nations Church Los Angeles asks that you give biblically and responsibily within this payment venue.)

Other Ways to Give

You can give in the form of quoted shares and other securities (which entitles you to tax relief). You may also like to consider making a donation to Nations Church LA in your will. Please ask your solicitor when you make or change your will, or ask us for more information. If you have any questions about these or other ways of giving, please contact the main office at 818-626-5939 or by email *If you are member, regular tither, or interested in contributing to the ministry of Nations Church LA and would like a copy of our financial records for the calendar year you may request them at Thank you

90 Day Challenge Terms

  1. I understand this form must be completed and will be received by NCLA’s Finance Team to register for the 90 Day Giving Challenge.
  2. I understand that my household qualifies for this challenge because we have not yet begun to tithe, or have not been giving a full 10% of our gross income from all sources.
  3. I understand that I cannot seek a refund before the end of the 90 – Day period or for amounts contributed before or after the 90 – Day Giving Challenge Period.
  4. I understand that any request for a refund must be received by NCLA’s Finance Team within 30 days of the end of the 90 Day Giving Challenge Period.
  5. I understand that I must ensure my tithe is properly credited to my account, either by enclosing it in a completed giving envelope that reflects my name and contact information OR by submitting my tithe online at
  6. By filling out the form, I agree that for the next 90 days, my household will return to God through NCLA a tithe equalling 10% of our gross income. At the end of the 90 Day Giving Challenge period, if I am not convinced of the faithfulness of God to honor His promise to bless me for my obedience to His Word, I am entitled a refund of the full amount of the contributions made during the 90 Day Giving Challenge.
  7. One last thing, we would love to hear about your experience with the Challenge, so post an update on our comments page! You are one of many who are stepping out to touch this world and we are excited to partner with you in this process!