“And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
We have a passion to reach the nations here in Los Angeles and around the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We participate in annual local and international missions trips spreading the Good News. Find out how you can get involved and join us on one of our life changing mission trips and make a difference in your world today.
Here are the missions and teams Nations Church supports

Nations Church Mission Trip

Watch the recap video of our trip to Brazil where we served at the Oasis Children’s Home & The Blessing Church Curitiba!

Jamal and Gwendolyn Alexander

US Missions-Church Planting

Jamal Alexander is an ordained minister with the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Jamal along with his wife are based on the Division of US Missions Department of Church Planting. Their mission is to plant churches in inner-city Los Angeles and train leadership who will lead and govern these churches in addressing the local needs of the community.

Troy & Ginnette Doudy


Troy and Ginnette are missionaries to Peru. While in Peru they will be establishing an International Church with a vision to reach the unreached. They plan to plant a Pentecostal church which provides a community of worship and service, a church that not only reaches the individual but will impact the entire city of Lima Peru with a population of 10,000,000.

Winston and Kimberly Bui

Home missions: UCLA campus

Winston and his wife Kimberly pioneered a Chi Alpha ministry in Oklahoma, at the Univ. of Missouri, and in 2005 they moved to Los Angeles to begin Chi Alpha at UCLA. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is a Christian ministry on universities and colleges around the world. Their mission is to share the love of Jesus in a relevant, impactful way so that students’ lives will be transformed by a genuine relationship with God. They want to reach the lost and disciple followers of Christ so that they may become mighty men and women of God. They desire to see a movement of God on the UCLA campus!

Adam and Alecia Fogleman


After 13 years of ministry in the local church Adam and Alecia felt their hearts stirred for the need that is represented in Tanzania, and are now serving as fully appointed AGWM missionaries there. While on the field they train pastors by working in the national Bible Schools, work along side local churches, as well as plant churches.

Galen and Dickie Hertweck


Galen pastored and taught at Bible colleges and at the A/G seminary in the U.S. for almost 30 years before going into missions. Dickie served as a missionary in Angola, Africa, before marrying Galen and going to the Philippines. Since 2001 Galen and Dickie have taught and lived at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) in Baguio City, Philippines. In addition, each year they teach in other Bible colleges and seminaries in different countries.

Sopheak & Amy Kheng

Home Missions

Ministering to the 60,000 Cambodian People of Greater Long Beach, CA.

Mary Mahon

Costa Rica

Following many years serving as a missionary in Venezuela, Mary Mahon is now working in Costa Rica with Latin America Child Care. The Latin America Child Care (LACC) is a broad based Assemblies of God ministry to young people across Central and South America. At LACC schools, sponsored children are given uniforms, hot meals, a Christ-centered education, and basic medical care. Thousands of LACC graduates now serve in key positions in their communities.

Gonny Maasbach

Gonny is a missionary around the world. She has gone to countries all around the world from India to Brazil, spreading the gospel to thousands of people and leading many to the Lord.

Africa’s Hope

Their mission is to assist with training that equips the church in Africa to disciple the nations in the power of the Holy Spirit. They provide training and resources so that they can rise up biblically trained leaders. They also help provide clean water to villages and plant churches all through out Africa.

Metro Kidz

Metro Kidz is a recognized non-profit organization that was founded in 1992 to aid the children and families in the most volatile communities of Los Angeles. Our mission is to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of inner-city children and families.
Our vision is to keep reaching more families every year; to help create healthy children and communities where a new hope for life, freedom from violence, abuse and neglect are experienced. “Changing a generation, one child at a time.”

Scott and Susan Roberts

Scott and Susan Roberts are dedicated to reaching Jewish people with the Good News of Jesus! Scott Roberts is an ordained minister who served as a Senior Pastor for over 20 years. Together Scott and Susan travel to cities that have large Jewish populations, teaching them as well as others about Jesus. Aside from reaching out to the Jewish people, they strive to educate Christians on how they can reach out to their Jewish friends and neighbors.

Nhat and Elizabeth Tran

Home Missions

Nhat and Liz are missionaries with the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions Missionary Church Planters and Developers department. They feel God has lead them to spend a season in the States as missionary church planters. Currently, they are US missionaries, planting a Vietnamese church in Little Saigon the heart of the largest Vietnamese community in America. The Trans will be launching their church in the city of Westminster, CA.

Steve & Simona Arnold

US Missions-Refugees

Assigned by US Missions, So. Cal, to reach over 8,000 refugees who relocate each year to various parts of California due to ethnic or religious persecution.

Moses and Elizabeth Cao

Home Missions

Moses and Elizabeth Cao were young teenagers when their families fled Vietnam in May 1975. Both continued their education in the US, and were brought together in marriage through the traditional match making efforts of their parents. They currently work in Southern California reaching the mostly unreached Vietnamese people group.

Raegan Glugosh


Raegan Glugosh is an ordained minister, as well as a Registered Nurse from the Los Angeles suburbs who got hooked on the needs of Romanian babies back in the mid-1990s and has never quite gotten over it. In 2006, Raegan organized a group home for mothers in distress and since then, over 200 mothers and children have come through her home. Lives have been transformed and hope restored. Raegan also has a passion for developing young leaders and is currently finishing up her Master’s degree in Global Leadership (MAGL) at Fuller Seminary.

Gene & Sue Hudlow

Live-Dead (Cairo), AGWM Eurasia

During 2013, they lived in Cairo, Egypt and were on staff with the L-D Cairo team. Sue helped to monitor and encourage team members in their Arabic language study. Gene was involved in helping set up the English language study program (by helping to select curriculum and organize and teach some of the English classes to Egyptians); another way to bridge and have opportunity to share (outside of class) faith in Christ. Currently they are serving with Live-Dead Arab World Advocacy in which Gene is meeting with pastors and mission’s committee leaders to share about the burden and vision to reach Muslims and plant churches in North Africa and the Middle East.

Mark and Patricia Kinney


Mark and Patricia Kinney have been called to serve the people of Argentina, specifically the children of Argentina. Mark and Patricia have ministered there since 1987. They serve as directors for Global University and as assistant directors of Instituto Biblico Mediterrineo in Cordoba, a city in the center of the nation. Since 1997 they have conducted evangelism outreaches with the “Ice Cream” truck. Thousands of children have come to Christ through their efforts.

Dr. Joe and Nancy Saggio

Home Missions

Joe and Nancy Saggio are nationally appointed U.S. Missionaries to Native Americans and serve at American Indian College in Phoenix, Arizona where Joe is part of the faculty and administration. Nancy serves as an adjunct instructor in the areas of Psychology and Marriage & Family. They are passionate about equipping Native Americans for Christian service.

Joel & Gail, Van Briggle


Joel and Gail serve with Convoy of Hope Europe; which is a faith-based, community development team. They share a calling to bring hope, healing, and wholeness to the very hurting, desperate, and forgotten people of Europe. Convoy of Hope Europe works to connect resources with local organizations, churches, missionaries and U.S. teams by addressing the social, physical, and spiritual needs of each community.

American Center for Law and Justice

American Center for Law and Justice is a Christian based social activism Non profit corporation. ACLJ is headquartered in Washing DC. and it s founders are Pat Robertson and Jay Sekulow. It is a dba for Christian Advocates serving Evangelism. American Center for Law and Justice believes that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable God given rights.

Oasis of Hollywood

Oasis of Hollywood’s mission is to build mentoring relationships to support healthy development spiritually, academically, emotionally, and in life skills. The Oasis is a safe and positive alternative environment offers a variety of programs where inner city youth are encouraged and equipped to meet their goals and dreams and directed away from destructive lifestyles such as gangs and drugs.

Lauren Becker


Lauren started the TLC English Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in June 2009. TLC has had over 600 students with many making decisions to follow Jesus. Currently, Lauren directs Take5 Thailand, an initiative that enables church planting teams to reach university students through English teaching centers. Lauren and her team plan to open two new churches in 2014 and 2015, and will open several future locations as funds and teams are available.

Carrie Johnson


Carrie Johnson is working in Ethiopia targeting unreached people groups.

Simon and Anjana Gounder

Home Missions: Global AIM

Global AIMs was pioneered by Simon and Anjana Gounder. They are both Ordained Ministers with the Assemblies of God USA and serve as missionaries with US Missions. They are of Asian Indian descent and were born and raised in the Fiji Islands. After becoming followers of Jesus Christ, they pastored Indian churches for many years. They then felt the calling to move to Los Angeles; after settling here and continuing to seek God’s will they birthed a ministry to Asian Indians. Facing many cultural, social and financial challenges, they unwaveringly stuck to the call and allowed God to move them into a full time missionary position. By the year 2009 AIM was reaching locally and globally.

Paul and Sandy Kazim


Pual and Sandy’s mission is to partner with the Mexican Assemblies of God in Reaching, Equipping, and Releasing people to fulfill God’s purpose. Paul dedicates his time to leadership development through programs of continuing education for pastors, local church leader seminars and district wide training sessions. Sandy has been working with those who are HIV positive. She is involved in a statewide testing program, education (both inside and outside of the church) and counseling of people who test positive. Paul and Sandy have also assumed the role of Area Directors for the Mexico missionary fellowship; in which they serve as pastors to all of the Assemblies of God missionaries in Mexico.

Dan and Gale Klepel


Dan and Gale’s hearts have always been to touch the lives of the 60+ million Thais who live in this Buddhist nation, with the love and life changing power of Christ as less than 2 % of the population are Christians. They have found the most effective way to do this is to plant churches and train leaders to plant and pastor these churches. Their primary method of Church planting has been to combine both the training and planting by mentoring a developing leader as they plant a church. A new door of opportunity opened for them in the aftermath of the Tsunami that hit Southern Thailand. Following the waves of destruction came waves of compassion as people gave generously to the A/G Disaster Relief Fund. This enabled them to share the love and compassion of Christ with the Tsunami survivors in a very tangible way by helping rebuild houses, and livelihoods, fishing boats and equipment and a special scholarship program for children who had lost one or both parents in the Tsunami.

Steve and Becky Perston

Home Missions

Steve and Becky have served as A.G.U.S.M missionaries since 2004. Initially, they were part of the Urban Task Force, but then Assistant Supt. Rich Guerra invited them to broaden their scope of ministry by becoming the district Church Planting Directors. Over the past 6 years, Their roles have evolved to include Intercultural Ministries, Church Parenting, Church Health and Strategic Planning for the So Cal Network. Their primary goal is to help pastors and churches reach 16 million lost in SoCal.

Bill and Sonia Shaw

Democratic Republic of Congo

Bill and Sonia have partnered with the Congo AG to develop a new network of Bible school extension campuses. They plan to develop the Lubumbashi Leadership Training Center where the teaching staff for these new Bible schools will earn a college-level degree, and where the next generation of church leaders for the Eastern Congo will be shaped. Their vision is to lay a stronger foundation for the Congo AG to develop their own missionary-sending capacity, and join other African churches as bonafide participants in the missionary mandate of the church.

Teen Challenge International

Teen Challenge International is a non-profit faith-based drug and alcohol recovery programs all around the world. They have treatments for both teens and adults; which are geared towards life recovery and restorations for those addicted to drugs, alcohol. These programs also help gang members, prostitutes and for those who have life-controlling or emotionally disabling problems.

Feed One Convoy of Hope

The goal of Feed One is to see lives changed as they promote healthy children and communities that are free from poverty and hunger. Many of the children enrolled in the Feed One program have their only meal of the day at school. They believe that children are important members of their communities who can, become leaders who bring positive change to their countries by breaking the cycle of poverty and hunger. To accomplish this, they use the daily meal to build strong, loving communities that have clean water, healthy living environments, education and livelihood opportunities. Through Feed One, Nations Church has adopted a village in El Salvador where every child receives one of these meals everyday.

Speed the Light (STL)

STL is the student-initiated, volunteer, charitable program that provides much-needed equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over 180 countries around the world. Since it’s beginning, STL has raised over $253 million for missionary equipment around the world. Through modern transportation, radio, television, the printed word, and equipment for mass evangelism, our missionaries can better fulfill the Great Commission.

Jonathan and Nelia Ferrell


Jonathan and Nelia serve in the country of Romania; there they focus on touching the youth. While there they have established a ministry to the homeless and hurting of that country.

Levys and Bonnie Hernandez


Bonnie began missionary service in Costa Rica in 1990, and Levys is from Nicaragua; together they have a passion for raising up a new generation for Jesus Christ in the country of Nicaragua. They do this by working with, and coordinating the incredible school program of Latin America ChildCare (LACC). Which is a sponsorship school-based program that provides a Christian Education for over 6000 students each year, and in 20 different schools throughout the entire country. They want to give each child that walks through those schools an opportunity to know Jesus and be changed by His transforming power; not only through a good education, but a Christian Education.

Brandon Kertson

Home Missions: Chi Alpa, SDSU

Brandon & Kendra Kertson are currently missionaries serving in the United States with Chi Alpha, SDSU. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is a Christian ministry on universities and colleges around the world.

Peter & Vlasta Kuzmič

Dr. Peter Kuzmič currently is the distinguished Professor of World Missions and European Studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. A former pastor of two churches, Peter is the founder and director of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia. He also is the co-founder and chairman of the Council of Evangelical Christians of (former) Yugoslavia and the president of the Protestant Evangelical Council of Croatia. From 1986 to 1996, Dr. Kuzmič chaired the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Association. He also has served as a member of the International Board of AD2000 and Beyond. Now, Dr. Kuzmič chairs the Theology Working Group of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. In addition, he has ministered in more than 60 nations on every continent.

Virgil and Diane Pittman

Wycliffe Bible Translator

Virgil and Diane Pittman served in Bolivia for 8 years as missionaries, where they helped plant churches. While in the states they pastored several churches in Southern California; and now they minister to missionaries through out the world via Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Randy and Becky Tarr


The Tarr’s have been serving in West Africa since 1985. They have been involved in church planting, leadership training and providing leadership to the West Africa missionary family. From 1999- 2010 they led the West Africa Advanced School of Theology in Togo. This school trained leaders for 21 West and Central African countries at the BA and MA levels. Since 2010 they have been living in Senegal, their energies have been focused on two things, helping the mission refocus on reaching UPG’s and faning the flames of revival among the already existing strong churches of the region.

Rachelle Mihai


Rachelle spent 2010 serving as a missionary to children in Romania. She came back to the States and then returned to Romania for a short-term missions trip; while on this trip she felt God’s calling to return to Romania and work along side Bucharest International Church. At Bucharest International she helps in reaching out to the community, serving women and students.

Vanguard University

Vanguard University is an Assemblies of God, private, Christian, comprehensive university of liberal arts and professional studies equipping students for a Spirit-empowered life of Christ-centered leadership and service. They aim to provide a quality educational experience by promoting academic excellence that integrates faith and life; and providing professor-mentors in a dynamic community environment.


The John Maasbach World Missions is an organization that has a network of churches, Bible Institutes, and Orphanages in Holland, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Columbia, Philippines, Switzerland, Cuba, Congo, and Siri Naam.


Project Rescue is a ministry to victims of sexual slavery and exploitation. In 2015, Project Rescue affiliated ministries impacted over 37,000 lives. We exist to rescue and restore victims of sexual slavery through the love and power of Jesus Christ.
